
The Reverse Osmosis Process:

Although the Municipal Water Companies ensure the supply of drinking water, the water quality can be further improved by eliminating both the salts and the dissolved elements that are in it and give it a bad taste.

Reverse osmosis is based on the application of pressure to a concentrated amount of solution, forcing it to flow through a semipermeable membrane. In this process, most of the dissolved salts are retained, creating water with a lower salt content.


Reverse osmosis systems retain salts, organic compounds, microorganisms and microparticles.

  • Reverse osmosis systems are designed for drinking water treatment only
  • The quality of the treated water depends on the quality of the water to be treated
  • Proper hydraulic pressure of the system significantly increases the efficiency of reverse osmosis.
  • It is necessary to periodically maintain the system, every 6 and 12 months, to have maximum efficiency.

Main parts of the system:

  • Microparticle pre-filter: Holds suspended water microparticles.
  • Activated carbon pre-filter: Protects the membrane from chlorine-induced deterioration.
  • Membrane: Retains dissolved salts, microorganisms and suspended particles.
  • Drainage: Adjusts the flow to the drain.
  • Storage container: Guarantees the return of drinking water on every demand.
  • Activated carbon filter: It is placed after the membrane and the storage container to eliminate any unpleasant odors in the water from the storage container.

Types of reverse osmosis:

  • Conventional system: The filters and the storage container are 2 separate parts.
  • Compact system: The filters and storage tank are integrated into one system, offering ergonomics and space saving.
  • Systems with pressure booster pump: This option improves the efficiency of the system, reducing up to 75% the amount of water discarded, improving water quality and increasing the amount produced up to 4 times.

The main advantages of reverse osmosis:

  • Improves the taste of water, reducing the content of salts, VOC and THM (due to the bad smell of water) and retains solid microparticles and microorganisms.
  • Easy and economical maintenance done by the user.
  • Cooked food retains its flavor and its heating ingredients.
  • Coffee and tea retain their flavor and aroma.
    Other uses: Watering plants, steam irons, aquariums etc.
    Economy in cost and effort from the purchase and transportation of bottled water.